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GenderChange in Academia re-mapping the fields of work, knowledge, and politics from a gender perspective

Riegraf, Birgit
1. ed.. - Wiesbaden : VS-Verl, 2010
Book - 434 S. : graph. Darst.

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GenderChange in Academia re-mapping the fields of work, knowledge, and politics from a gender perspective
Author / Contributor: Riegraf, Birgit
Edition: 1. ed.
Publication: Wiesbaden : VS-Verl, 2010
Media Type: Book
Pagination: 434 S. : graph. Darst.
ISBN: 9783531168326
xs 0 - 576
sm 576 - 768
md 768 - 992
lg 992 - 1200
xl 1200 - 1366
xxl 1366 -