Dieciocho is an journal dedicated to what we call the "Hispanic Enlightenment," that is, to eighteenth-century studies in Spain and Latin America. In our pages you will find articles in English or Spanish about the literature, history, art and thought of those two areas. In addition, you will find reviews of the latest books, current bibliography ("Cajón de sastre bibliográfico") and notices of upcoming events and publications.

Dieciocho is an open forum for ideas and scholarly research. We have no mission other than that of publishing the best and most current articles on the Hispanic Enlightenment.

Dieciocho comes out twice per year, Spring and Fall. Anejos de Dieciocho publishes collections of articles, conference proceedings, or monographs.

Dieciocho is an open-access journal, free to the public. There are no subscription costs.

Dieciocho es ahora un periódico gratuito.

Indexación: DIECIOCHO aparece en los siguientes índices: Modern Language Association of America International Bibliography, Academic Search Complete, Humanities International Complete, Fuente Académica, Literature Resource Center, Westlaw.

ISSN 2169-5385


David T. Gies, University of Virginia

Editorial Board