Perspectives in Phycology (e-ISSN 2198-011X, print-ISSN 2364-6993)

Perspectives in Phycology (PiP) is a quarterly electronic journal covering all domains of phycology, including the contributions of phycological research to current and emerging issues in environmental, health and industrial sectors. Work on both eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria falls within the scope of the journal. The subject areas covered include:

  • Applied phycology and biotechnology
  • Morphology and cell biology
  • Macro- and microalgal ecology
  • Macro- and microalgal systematics and evolution
  • Molecular biology and genomics
  • Physiology and biochemistry
  • Toxicology, health and risk management

Perspectives in Phycology publishes (Mini)Reviews, Opinions, Letters to the editors, Algal Facts and other articles with variable content (e.g. Phycology and Society). Aimed at researchers, students and teachers, PiP articles are always authoritative, and are written by both leaders in the field and rising stars.

Succinct (Mini)Review articles form the core of each quarterly issue and are invited from leading researchers in a specific field. These articles offer a balanced account of newly emerging or rapidly progressing fields and provide a guide to the most relevant recent literature and prospects for future research.

Opinion articles present a personal viewpoint of a field- or research-related subject. They may cover timely controversial topics or debates, provide a new interpretation of an old problem or current issue, or speculate in depth on the implications of some recently published research or data. Opinion articles aim to stimulate debate rather than provide a comprehensive review of a topic.

Letters to the editors usually discuss a recent article in Perspectives of Phycology or, very occasionally, a matter of general interest. Where letters discuss a Perspectives in Phycology article, the author of that article will normally be invited to reply, thereby providing a forum for debate within the journal.

Algal Facts will provide the communities with one-page, condensed information about topics of general interest related to algae.

Perspectives in Phycology is published on behalf of the Federation of European Phycological Societies (FEPS). Articles for Perspectives in Phycology are generally invited by the Editors.
Proposals for articles and Letters to the editors are welcome. Prospective authors should send a pre-submission enquiry to one of the two editors.